Saturday, September 20, 2008


This is new to me and I am a little  unsure on just how it works.   So here goes....
I am a retired printing hand and machine compositor who branched out into every phase of the printing arena.  Had a  go at everything from Commercial art, graphic art, publishing in small way.  I specialise in portraits. Love painting, sketching, drawing steam trains, draglines, heavy machinery, boats of all types.
Had a fantastic life travelling in the last five years.  I have travelled the South Pacific three times on cruise ships.Travelled Europe via trains  back in 1987.  Saw John O'Groats, my kids forefathers come from the Orkney Isles. Finished up at Cornwall, southern part of England. Drove all over Scotland and trained the rest of England. Visited los Angeles and did the Disneyland thing.  Became a tourist in Hawaii. On the way back on  that trip had a stop-pover at Auckland. Spent the bloody day at the movies to keep warm. (Heard so much about Kiwi land being the whole world wrapped into one).  Will get there after I get to see my own country.
   Four years ago travelled to British Columbia, Vancouver Island (Swartz Bay) Canada.
Visited the Calgary Stampede, and driving through to that area, viewed the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
Have friends in Amsterdam and have visited them three times  in the last 20 years. Know my way round Amsterdam.  More so in the last 2 years.  I have this thing about sketching (I use a black biro, it's easier) everywhere I have been. Most probably you have seen me somewhere sitting there sketching... Prague, Cologn, Baccarach, Amsterdam, Zeeland, Paris, Cortina dom Pennso and many many more here in Australia.  Hamilton Island, Sydney, Wollongong and Mackay here in Queensland.  I was born at Darlinghurst, Sydney and grew up at Port Kembla.  As I get older it is getting harder and harder to get up and down.  I will have to start carrying a portable stool.  I would like to hear of anybody who is likewise inclined. I love the Austrian Alps.  Not sure which is the prettiest. The Rockies or the Alps.  Love the Rhine River valley.   
 Hey having worked with journo's I have very little time for them and a good story.  Not all mind you there are some exceptions.  The best part of my life was working in Central Queensland on all the coal mine sites doing construction work with people from all over the  world..  Worked at Gordonstone Underground mine for 2 years. 
I really love going back to Sydney, to me it is the most beautiful city in the world.  ...Paddy  


Kirsty said...

Wow Paddy, it sure sounds to me you have lived a very happy and fulfilled life and could die a happy man. There are some pretty funny stories you have there. I know Daryl Wright, he used to come into the photolab where i worked to get pics printed for the Mercury. Well i like this blog and am a big fan already.

Nice artwork!


Kirsty said...

By the way, i have an uncle that lives in Darlinghurst, he is an art dealer and has a gallery down in Darlinghurst called Robin Gibson Gallery, have you heard of him at all? He used be friends with Brett Whitely.


Thank you for the comment. i will call in at that gallery at Christmas. Sorry if I took a long time replying. Paddy


Have not heard from you at all lately...?